Monday, April 14, 2014

Get Paid to Blog, Easy as 1,2,3

Step 1: Get Prepared to Profit
Choosing Your Focus

Easy Typing Profits has worked to generate income for people in a variety of areas from those who love animals to tech geeks to stay at home moms and dads; all have positive results after using our system. However, those that maximize their profits by typing and who keep earning for years on end usually type on topics they are passionate about. Because when you love talking about something you enjoy, people love listening. And with the 80 million surfers that log onto the web every day, you’re bound to have lots of people eager to hear what you have to say.
So, step #1 in our system requires that you list a few topics that you are interested in so that we can help you turn your creative typing flow into dollars. When we tell most people this, they usually mumble something about not being very creative, not having any hobbies, and not knowing where to start, and we completely understand if you feel this way as well. That’s why below you’ll find a list of topics to get you started. A few ideas to jump start the thought processes are:
•    Hobbies that you enjoy
•    Professional careers that you may have had in your life
•    Things about your culture, neighborhood, city, state that interest you
•    Animals
•    Health and wellness
•    Cars, truicks, motorcycles (even if you just have a fascination with helmets or bumper stickers)
•    Gardening and home improvement topics (Do you understand the difference between a valance and a duvet - we sure don’t)
•    Computers
Keep in mind that the more topics you have on your list the better your chances are of finding a profit center.
Once you have a few topics in mind, we’re going to find out what the demand is for your subject area. In short, we want to know before we start whether you will have an audience that wants to listen to what you want to type about. With your list in hand, let’s validate the value of your topics.
Validating the value of your topics
Before we start with this process, it’s important for you to know that profiting online has two components. First, you need a topic or product of value to offer visitors, and second, you have to get the visitors that would be interested in your offer to know that your offer exists. Fortunately, before you even get started we have tools that can tell whether or not there will be enough people online looking for your offerings to make your topic worthwhile to pursue.
WordTracker Keyword Suggestion Tool
WordTracker is an excellent FREE tool that shows you how many searches have been performed on your topics in the last month. Why is this important? Because more than likely if people were searching for your topic last month, then they (or another similar group) will also be searching this month for your topic. Yahoo Search Marketing is free to use, and you have the option to sign up but it’s not required in order to use the service.
Overview of Wordtracker
Click on Wortracker's Free Keyword Suggestion Tool which takes you to the following page:

You should now choose one of the topics you listed before which we’ll call your ‘primary topic’. Your primary topic is simply a base with which you will be starting your search. This is necessary because most of the time the primary topic already has thousands upon thousands of people typing about it already. So, we will dig a little deeper into the primary topic to choose the right subtopic that will be profitable.
For example, let's say your topic is gardening. Gardening is an overall primary topic, but if I were interested in gardening, I might perform a search on gardening tools, or perhaps flower gardens, organic vegetables, etc. Gardening tools, flowers, etc. are all subtopics. Subtopics are of equal importance in making your topic selection.
By researching both the primary topic and any pertinent subtopics, you will be able to accomplish not only identifying the most profitable topic, but also you will create your own little corner of the web that caters to a unique audience that will look to you for information. This is referred to as a niche.
Type one of the topics from your list into the ‘Keyword’ box and press ‘Hit Me’.
The page that follows shows searches that are related to your primary topic, along with the number of searches that are entered monthly for those topics. Since you are typing with the intent of earning money, you will want to discard the topics that have low search numbers (less than 500), and continue on with the words and phrases that have higher search numbers.
In our example we have entered the word 'typing' to see what kind of topics people who are as interested in typing as we are might be searching for. Our results are next:

Wow, as you can see the results are pretty impressive as there are several topics that people are searching for each month. “Typing test” has 1261 searches, “free typing games” has 935, and “dance mat typing” has 645 searches monthly. We’re not done yet though. We now need to find out if anyone else has found out about our little gem because the more websites there are talking about our topic, the less profitable it will be for us. Remember, we want visitors, not competition!
To find out our competition, we need to use another free tool - Click on in any browser and enter in your topic. Enclose the topic in quotes if there are multiple words, for example : typing test would be “typing test” in the search box. Press “Google Search”.

To gauge your competition, look at the number of search results returned.

In our example, you’ll see that “typing test” has over 1.5 million other websites competing against it. And as much as we love a challenge, we love fast income even more and trying to compete with 1.5 million others is definitely going to slow things down a bit. So, we’ll go down the list and do the same search with the next phrase we’d like to type about on the list: “free typing games”.

The phrase “free typing games” presents us with 23,100 competing websites. And, although this isn’t perfect, it’s a great start. In general, any results with less than 30,000 competing sites qualifies as a good fit.
"All my topics were not profitable - now what do I do?"
If you could not come up with a profitable topic or a topic that is not as profitable as you like, please do not worry. Take a rest and simply surf the web a bit. Whenever you come across a question you want to ask or a product you are searching for, there’s the potential for you to start a new typing niche by providing what it is you are looking for. And remember, Wordtracker is a tool always there to help by identifying what the top keywords currently are.

Step 2: Domains and Hosting (optional)
Domains & Hosting

Some of the participants in the Automated Daily Income program have wondered if more profits can be obtained by setting up their own website address (domain name) and hosting account. We maintain that this step is not at all necessary, and that tests have shown that newly created domain names have a much harder time getting recognized by the search engines online. We believe that a free blog service is equally effective to start typing for profits, and that you should consider a separate domain and hosting account when your website begins to reach new levels of success. If you are not interested in a separate domain and hosting account, you may skip ahead to Step 3.
If you decide that you want your own domain name and web hosting account, rest assured that the setup and maintenance is fairly inexpensive. In addition, there are a wealth of online resources to guide you every step of the way.
Domain Name
A domain name is the website address (URL) web users enter in order to find your website. Some popular domain names include:,,, and Each domain name is unique to the website you find when you enter the name into your web browser.
In choosing your domain name you should make sure it is related to the topic you selected in Step 1. For example, we may choose to see if the domain: is available. We could use the domain search tool and domain name registrars offered at to see if the domain is available. If the domain has been registered, we may look for different domain variations. Keeping as many terms as possible from your topic in the domain name increases the chance you will get recognized by the search engines which in return increases the likelihood that the right web visitors will land on your website.
We suggest that you order your domain name from iPowerWeb.
Once you’ve found and purchased your domain name, it’s now necessary for you to find a hosting company. A hosting company (or web host) is simply the company you hire to make sure your website is available online all day, every day (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
Hosting prices vary from $5 per month to hundreds depending on your exact needs. With your website, you have very simple needs and a very inexpensive hosting solution with a trusted company will suffice. For web hosting, we suggest HostGator , as they are a reputable company with a very user friendly interface and a great support staff to help you along the way.
If you decide to choose a company other than HostGator, make sure you verify that the following is available so you can get up and running quickly with the Automated Daily Income system:
•    24 hour / 7 days a week support
•    Blog setup and installation
•    Control panel access to administer your account
•    email addresses based on your domain (Ex:
Remember, you do not need a domain name if you will be using a free service to set up your website. However, if you plan on creating long term profits online it is best to at least think about the creditability that is conveyed when you own your own domain.

Step 3: Completely Free Site Setup
Site Setup

As promised, the Easy Typing Profits guide can be implemented free of charge. For those who opted to setup their own website using the instructions in Step 2, you may skip Step 3. However, for those of you ready to dive in on your website’s creation, let’s get started setting up your site completely FREE.
The type of free website we’ll be setting up is called a blog (short for weblog), and we have chosen this medium for your website for a few important reasons.
1.    Blogs are offered online for free through several major companies increasing the chance that we can secure a name for our website that matches the keywords we found in Step 1.
2.    Blogs are easy to maintain and update, which means that you can administer your website with absolutely no technical knowledge.
3.    Blogs can be set up in less than 5 minutes and are respected by search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN making our chances of receiving even more visitors!
The free blog company we will be using is . Blogger is owned by Google, the most frequently used search engine on the Web. We figure that Google wouldn’t allow Blogger sites to violate it’s requirements and may even give some preferential treatment, so what we gain by going through Blogger is automatic correctness and approval by the search engine and a little more traffic coming our way.

Setting Up Your Website with


Setting Up Your Blogger Account

Setting up your Blogger account and website is simple. We’ve laid out some helpful hints to go along with the instructions, but in reality, once you get to the website you’ll see that there’s not a whole lot we can add to their easy to use interface.
•    Step 1: Go to to get started

•    Step 2: Click ‘Create Your Blog Now’.
•    Step 3: Create your Google Account by entering in the requested information and accepting the ‘Terms of Service’ and press ‘Continue’.
•    Step 4: From the Dashboard, click ‘Create a Blog’.

•    Step 5: Now it’s time to set up your website using some of the information from Step 1. For the Blog Title, enter a phrase that contains the topic you have decided to write on. For example, our topic is “Free Typing Test”, so we will make our title “Free Typing Test Resources”.
•    Step 6: In the next field, enter in your topic and ‘Check availability’ to see if the address is in fact available. For our example, “freetypingtest” was not available, so we went through a few variations as shown below:
o    freetypinggames (not available)
o    free-typing-games (available)
o    freetypinggamesonline (available)
o    free-typing-games-online (available)
Although we found three available website addresses, we’ll go with because it’s easier to read, it’s clear what our target phrase is, and overall it’s not a horrible site name. In addition, using our methods, few people will be typing in our website address anyway.
So, we’ll go with as our official website.
Once you’ve chosen your website name and checked to make sure it is available, type in the security code and click on ‘Create Your Blog’ and you’re done setting up your website.

Step 4: Customizing Your Website
Your Site

Changing the look and feel of your website can have a dramatic effect on the conversions and clicks you receive from your target audience. And although honing in on the exact best color combinations and layouts are outside the scope of this book, there are several online resources that have researched the best colors to use depending on the viewing audience.
Choose a Template
Blogger provides several different templates to choose from and also allows you to specify your own color combinations if they fall outside of the standard templates provided. For now, we will simply choose a template whose colors and layout (how the parts of the website appear on the screen) works for our target audience. There’s no stress remember, you can easily change the template later, so select a design and click ‘Continue’.

Once you’ve selected continue, click ‘Start Blogging’ because we’re done with the site customizations!
Customizations for those with domains and hosted websites
If you set up your website using the hosting and domain route, you simply have to have the blog setup using the Control Panel provided by the hosting company. There are several resources for free blog templates, so that you can customize your blog as well.

Step 5: Start Typing
Start Typing

Now that we have our topic and our website, it’s time to start putting our words to work by typing about the topic we chose. For some, writing is not an easy task and so we have a few tools to get your creative juices flowing.
Free Article Database -
ezineArticles (located at is a website containing thousands of articles on almost every subject. For those having trouble getting started, we suggest you go to ezineArticles to find a topic or two to write on. Once you have found an article that works, read it and summarize it’s main points in your writing. Do not copy the article or any portion of it, this not only hurts your profit making efforts, but it’s also illegal (called plagiarism).
Buy Unique Content -
Those who write for a living often times sell their work online. (located at is an article marketplace offering content for as low as $5. You can get one article that you own and then rework it 3 or 4 times making it well worth the original investment.
Get Help with Your Grammar
If you know what you want to write about, but simply don’t have great grammar, there are programs that help with your grammar mistakes. If you are using Microsoft Word, or another word processing tool to write, then most likely this assistance is built in. However, if you are typing directly into your website (which is fine too), then:
Guide to Grammar and Writing is a great place to seek assistance.
Spelling Help
If spelling is an issue for you, relax, most blogs have a spell checker installed to check your spelling before you make your post public. Furthermore, you can easily proofread your blog posts before publishing them, and make the necessary corrections, or have a friend proofread it as well.
Use tools such as the dictionary or thesaurus for your spelling needs or for expanding your vocabulary.
Crafting the Content
In Step 1 you researched and chose the most profitable topic for your typing efforts. Now it’s time to start crafting your content. The following guideline will help you get started:
State Your Title
Using the research from Step 1, first create a title to describe what you will be writing about. The title must contain the words you researched as profitable. For example, our profitable phrase is “free typing games”, so our first piece of writing could be on:
•    Free Typing Games for Kids
•    Type Faster Using Free Typing Games
•    Free Typing Games Improve Your Finger Flexibility
The title list could go on and on, so hopefully you see our point. We now need to select one topic to get started with, so we’ll choose “Type Faster Using Free Typing Games”.
Generate a Few Ideas to Write About
In this step you need to come up with a few points you want to cover quickly in your writing. Ask yourself, “What do I want to share with others about this topic?” Our list for “Type Faster Using Free Typing Games” might include:
•    How practice makes perfect when typing (2 sentences)
•    How to dedicate 30 minutes a day practicing (3 sentences)
•    Online resources that offer free typing games (3 sentences)
•    How to measure results through a typing test (2 sentences)
If we write using the points above, we’ll have 10 sentences typed in no time.
If you’re having problems getting started, we can use your favorite search engine, such as Google to see what others say about your topic, or any and all related subtopics. For example, we could go to and type ‘free typing games’ in the search box and look at the results that are shown. We might even expand our topic to ‘typing games’ in general, so that we could explain the differences between ‘free typing games’ verses those that require payment.
Visit other related websites, subscribe to free newsletters, or look at other blogs to get ideas.
Always remember that we’re typing to generate profits. And online, profits come from the people who find interest in what we type. So, when typing, ask yourself the following:
•    What benefits will the reader receive from reading my work?
•    What response do I want the reader to make? Do I want them to:
? Respond by posting a comment?
? Simply consume the information for his or her benefit?
? Come back again?
The guideline above is designed to make you think about the ‘what and why’ of your content. Realize you are doing this to profit - nonetheless, you have to make sure the content is rich enough for the reader to find personal value in what they have read.
Review Before Posting
After you have crafted your writing, take the time to review it using the checklist below:
•    Run a grammar check.
•    Run a spell checker.
•    Proof read (ask a friend to proofread as well).
After you have executed all the items noted above, you are ready to publish the content on your website.

Step 6: Profits, Profits, Profits
Start Earning Profits

Now we are coming to the meat of the matter - the income from your website!
This is where it starts getting exciting, but there is still some work to be done in order to get things set up properly. In this step, you will be signing up for various programs that will allow you to use their ads on your blog, in exchange for a portion of the income derived from those ads.

Google Adsense
Google Adsense is by far one of the most lucrative income streams for websites that provide information to site visitors (as opposed to products and services).

Google Adsense on Blogger

Setting Up Adsense on

If you have a site hosted by Blogger, you can set up AdSense ads right away by simply logging in to your Blogger account, and following the steps below from the Blogger Dashboard.
1.    Click the ‘Layout’ Tab.
2.    Select ‘Page Elements’.
3.    Click on ‘Add a Page Element’ and the Choose a Page Element screen will appear.
4.    Scroll down to ‘Adsense’ and click the ‘Add to Blog’ button located below the Adsense description.
5.    On the screen that follows you are able to choose the size and the colors you wish to have on your Adsense ads. By default, colors that match your current site are already configured.
6.    Click ‘Save’ and the ads will automatically be added to your website.
If you do not currently have an account with Google Adsense, you can simply go to to sign up.
Make Money from Recommendations
Online word of mouth advertising is lucrative not only for the products and services being advertised, but also for the recommenders. That’s right, companies will pay you to tell others about their offerings. So now, we will start signing up for accounts that will allow you to make recommendations for profits. Of course, unlike Google Adsense, you get to choose the products and the services you will offer.

First, you will need a ClickBank account. Please read the directions at ClickBank thoroughly when you sign up, and follow those directions. Once you are signed up, read the information that ClickBank provides about hoplinks. These are the links that you will need to promote specific products within your blog.
Search the Clickbank marketplace for products that relate to your topic. We entered the phrase ‘typing’ in the search box, and came up with several titles we can offer. A few related offerings include:
•    Learn To Type With Easy To Learn Typing!
•    Secretarial & Typing Work From Home.
•    How To Write Your Own EBook(R) In 7 Days!
•    Instant Letter Writing Kit.
•    Write All The Way To The Bank.
•    Data Entry Home Business.
All of the offerings are related to typing, something that our readers looking for ‘free typing games’ might find interesting enough to buy. Each sale to our target audience using the hoplinks Clickbank provides means profits in our pockets.

Commission Junction
Next, you will want a Commission Junction account, for the same purpose. At Commission Junction, you will want to sign up as a publisher, not as an advertiser (it can get confusing).As a publisher, you will be publishing or promoting products or services for advertisers on your website.Once you've signed up for the Commission Junction account, you will be able to login and start applying to promote specific programs. Once you've been accepted, you can use your Commission Junction control panel to get links for the products you wish to write about.

PayPal Donations
It is a fairly common practice to accept PayPal Donations on information websites as well. Since the information that you provide to your readers is free, many will make donations to you via PayPal using a button that you can place on your site. You will need a PayPal account, and you should follow the directions at the site for signing up with PayPal.

Adsense Accounts for those Not Using Blogger
If you are not using Blogger for your website, you will be ready to apply for a Google AdSense Account once you have made several content additions to your website. Once you are approved for a Google AdSense account, you will need to place the Google AdSense code on your pages. We suggest that you spend a great deal of time at the Google AdSense site reading the information that is provided there to get a good understanding of how to best use the code on your blog pages.

Additional Advertising Networks
There are other sources of revenue that you should consider adding to your website. Most work in a similar way to Google Adsense and Commision Junction, and all have different Terms of Service so be sure to read each company’s terms carefully. Google AdSense, for one, has a strict terms of service/use policy that must be adhered to, or your Google AdSense account will be banned.
You should consider adding the following to your website as well:
•    Amazon
•    ValueClick Media
•    TradeDoubler
•    AdBrite
•    BlogAds
•    LinkShare
•    Chitika
Always remember that good content pushes visitors to click on the ads and recommendations you provide, so never push noisy ads to your readers because it’s counterproductive and annoying. Your profits will soar once you find a good balance between your content and the income producing offerings that accompany it.

Step 7: Advertising Profits
Sell Advertising Space On Your Site

Another option for gen monthly, quarterly, or yearly income on your website is to offer advertising space to companies with related products or services. You won’t really be in a position to take advantage of this income stream until you establish your website (have a large number of readers monthly), however once you get to this point offering advertising space is very lucrative.
Remember that advertisements on the side borders of the blog pages is essential, but recommending products or services within your posts is also essential to your success. As your readers learn to trust your judgment, sales will skyrocket when you make a recommendation. Therefore, choose products and services to recommend carefully.
Create a Network
Now that your online business has been created, you can expand it into a network of related websites that feed off of each other to produce massive amounts of income. Referred to as an online empire, you can create and build other websites on other topics using the same steps and promotional techniques you learned here. The more websites you create and promote, the more income you will generate. However, do not overload yourself. Your site visitors still need to feel that what you offer is valuable, and unless you are hiring writers to take care of the content writing, your quality could falter with too many websites.
Increase Your Traffic and Revenue with Tools
As you delve deeper into making profits online, you will gain new insights on the technologies involved, how and why people react and how to use your understanding to drive more profits your way. We highly recommend the following resources to help you push your website to its full potential and to generate more traffic and revenue for your efforts.
•    Blog Announcer Pro
•    RSS Feeds Submit
•    Auto Blog Tool
•    Building A Blog Empire For Profit
•    Unlease The Marketing and Publishing Power of RSS
Get Paid to Write
Several companies now offer writers the ability to get paid just for typing about the topics they provide. A few of the leaders in this area include:

Step 8: Bonus Income
Bonus Income Opportunities

There are many very easy ways to earn extra money online. No experience is needed for this work, and you don't even need to learn any special skills. You will be answering surveys, reading email, and if you choose to take it up a notch, you may be doing some mystery shopping as well.
Here are the resources to start making extra income today. Our advice is for you to sign up with as many of these companies as possible in order to earn the most revenue.
Variety of Additional Income Opportunities Include:
•    Paid Surveys
•    Paid to Shop and Eat
•    Paid to Read Email
•    Paid to Drive
•    Get Free Stuff
•    Traditional Data Entry
Paid Survey Sites
•    Adept Consumer Research
•    Advisory Panel
•    Answers Research
•    Atkins Research
•    Big Look
•    Business Research Lab
•    BuzzBack
•    CasinoRatingClub
•    Chamberlain Research
•    Clarion Research
•    CLER
•    Click IQ
•    Cobbey & Associates
•    Consumer Link
•    Consumer Opinion Services
•    Consumer-Opinions
•    Consumer Views
•    Cross Tab
•    CyberPulse
•    Digital Research
•    Discover Why
•    Drug Voice
•    eFocus
•    eLab
•    EmailCash (Australian)
•    Employee Surveys
•    ePoll
•    eSearch
•    FeedBack Plus (Australia and New Zealand)
•    Fleischman Research
•    Focus World International
•    FocusLine
•    Game Crew Panel
•    Gartner
•    Global Opinion Panels
•    Go Global Technologies
•    Golf Testing
•    Gongos
•    Grace Market Research
•    Greenfield Online
•    Gulf Surveys
•    How-Stuff-Works Market Research
•    IntelliSurveys
•    iOpinion
•    iPoints
•    Ipsos I-Say
•    iThinkinc
•    ItPaysToLearn
•    KeyNote
•    Kids Panel
•    KidzEyes
•    LightSpeed
•    MailSweeps
•    MBS
•    Media Transfer
•    MemoLink
•    MindField
•    Music Research
•    Netflip
•    NFO
•    NPD Online Research
•    Online Surveys
•    Opinion Place
•    Opinion Square
•    Opinion Trone
•    OpiStat
•    OsMoz Club
•    Partnership Plus
•    PineCone Research
•    Product Testing Services

Bonus 2: Successful Minds
Bonus #2

Bonus 2: Successful Minds

Stay positive and motivated and you will succeed!  Grab this ebook and learn how to program yourself for success.

Learn why so many startups fail and why some businesses can succeed beyond the wildest expectations.  Separate yourself from the pack and unleash your earning potential.

Start programming yourself for success. Download Inside Successful Minds of Internet Entrepreneurs here.

Advanced Search Profits

Step 1: Getting Paid with PayPal
Setting Up Your Free PayPal Account

Online there are several ways you can receive payments - a company may send you a check through the mail, wire funds directly to your bank account, or send payments to a transaction broker like PayPal who will then allow you to decide how to receive the funds. More than 100 million Internet users use PayPal each year as a trusted way to send and receive money.
The Power of PayPal
PayPal protects your personal information and allows you flexibility in the types of payments you can receive (checks, credit cards, transfers from another PayPal account) and regarding how you physically receive the funds (direct transfer into your banking account, through your PayPal debit card, or by mail with a check). They are an all-around good service, so let’s go set up your FREE PayPal account now.
1.    Go to the PayPal website.
Once there, click on the Sign Up link.

2.    Choosing Your PayPal Account Type
Next, you will be asked to choose your ‘Account Type’. PayPal provides 3 different account types - Personal, Premier, and Business. You can upgrade or downgrade your account at any time. For our purposes, we recommend you choose the Premier Account type.

Personal Accounts    allow you to send and receive limited amounts of money and is used most by casual PayPal accountholders that are interested in a free way to pay for items online securely and without exposing their personal details to vendors.
Premier Accounts    are ideal for those interested in both buying and selling online. Premier accountholders can accept credit cards, debit cards and bank account payments for very low fees.
Business Accounts    are ideal for those will online stores (e-commerce) that want to use the tools of PayPal to allow for a seamless shopping experience for their shoppers. Business accountholders can provide shoppers a method of paying for their purchases without the hassle of having to go away from the original website.
3.    Enter Your Contact Information
In addition to your standard account information (your full name, address, and phone number), PayPal also requires security information to verify your account. Information used to authenticate your account includes an email address (which serves as your username), an account password, and 2 security questions. All information must be entered to process your account creation.

Before agreeing to have PayPal create your account, be sure you understand their "User Agreement" and their "Privacy Policy" before clicking the box "I agree. Create My Account”.
4.    Confirm Your Email Address
PayPal requires that you confirm your email address. To do this, PayPal sends an email to the email address you used during the account signup. In the email, there is a confirmation link. You simply need to click and enter your password on the screen that appears to confirm your account.
Upon completing confirmation of your email address, you will have a PayPal address.
5.    Add a Bank Account to Receive Deposits (optional)
In order to have payments deposited directly into your banking account, you need to add a bank account to your PayPal profile. From the main screen, click on Profile and choose ‘Add a Bank Account’ from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can click the ‘Profile’ link and choose ‘Bank Accounts’ under the ‘Financial Information’ header.
Choose the ‘Add’ button and PayPal will walk you through entering the required banking information. Be sure to have a check handy to speed up the process.
Step 2: The ClickBank Marketplace
Setting Up Your ClickBank Account

Clickbank is one of the leading affiliate websites that pays you to promote other people's products and services. Clickbank works by allowing you to find and link to products and services that relate to your website's content. The created link (called a hoplink) not only directs traffic to the related product, but it also tracks when someone who has clicked your link makes a purchase on the product site. Since Clickbank does all of the tracking for you, you can simply promote your hoplink, sit back, relax, and wait for your referral payments to arrive. It really is just that easy.
When signing up for your Clickbank account, we want to first make you aware that your username is always used in the referral link Clickbank uses to track your sales. Since your username will be very visible, we ask that you choose your Clickbank username carefully.
1.    Go to the Clickbank website

2.    Click on the 'Promote Products' tab and then click the 'Sign Up' tab.
The information requested during the signup process is basic information regarding whom your payments should be addressed to and where payments should be sent. Information that has an * is required and must be filled in to create an account. This information includes your:

o    Country (payment address)
o    Payee Name (who should checks be made out to)
o    City (payment address)
o    State
o    Zip Code
o    The account holder's first and last name.
o    The account holder's email address.
o    The account holder's phone number.
You will also be asked to create your nickname. Your account nickname is very important because it will be seen whenever a user clicks on your link. Choose your nickname wisely and let it reflect your business professionally.

3.    Carefully read the terms and conditions and if you accept them, click Submit.
4.    To verify your email address, Clickbank asks that you confirm your email address by entering in your account password and a randomly generated set of characters. To do this, go to the email address you used to signup with, and copy / paste the code they sent into the confirmation screen and press Submit.
5.    Print out the page that shows your account's username and password. You can do this by pressing the 'Print copy' button, or by going to File>Print on your browser's Main Menu. Be sure to keep up with your password and guard it as necessary; Clickbank does not allow you to change passwords easily.

6.    Click on the button, located on the bottom of the page, which says "Click Here to Continue". This will bring you to the login page.
You must enter your username and password before we proceed to teach you how to effectively use your new ClickBank account.

Exploring Clickbank’s Information
Now that your Clickbank account is set up, you may want to take some time to explore what Clickbank has to offer. There are several places we suggest you browse before we put Clickbank to the test. These include:
The Clickbank Marketplace
Search the Clickbank Marketplace to see the wide selection of products and services that are available. Keep a checklist of those you feel you will be able to promote and or recommend to others. Once you select a product, click the "view pitch page" link below to view how the product will be presented to customers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Clickbank Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) area is sure to get you up to speed on the questions you have about hoplinks, products, and your Clickbank account. The FAQ includes a comprehensive list of the most frequently asked affiliate questions.

In addition, ClickBank provides you with your account stats, paychecks, current news, reporting, and a blog that is updated regularly with information that will help make your website a success. Take time to briefly explore each area.

Step 3: Choosing Clickbank Products
ClickBank Products

Now that we have all the right components in place - products and services to choose from and a way to get paid for our work - it’s time to choose the products that will ultimately generate profits.
Let’s start our search for products at Clickbank. To do this we need to go to the Clickbank website located at From the Clickbank homepage, choose the ‘Marketplace’ link located on the top menu bar. You do not have to be logged in to your account to do this.

Finding products and services that will lead to profits is based on a few factors, but the most fundamental is that term from economics - The Law of Supply and Demand. That’s why when promoting products, you should choose those that are high in demand, yet that are being supplied by only a limited number of people.
There are several ways to search for the right products. Clickbank provides:
Categories and Subcategories
Categories and Subcategories allow you to choose the products you want to promote based on your ideal target audience. If your strongest audience is in the Business sector or Recreation, then choosing those categories will provide you with a list of products that cater to these groups.

Keywords allow you to enter in keywords that represent your website or interests to find products and services that are related.

Product Type
Product Type allows you to base your search on the kinds of products you will be promoting - Standard Billing or Recurring Billing. With standard billing products, a fee is paid only once for the product that is being offered; conversely, recurring billing products incur fees that are repeated typically on a monthly, weekly, or yearly basis. Whereas standard billing products pay you only once, recurring billing product may pay you each time the vendor receives an additional payment.
Criteria for Product Selection
Clickbank provides you with several pieces of information to help you decide which products may or may not work for your target audience. For example, suppose you have a desire to help new parents in the raising of their children. You may go to the Clickbank search and enter the keyword ‘toddler’ which would return the following results:

Next, you need to figure out which results will be best for you to focus on. The information provided with each product includes:

Product Name    The general name of the product being sold.
Product Description    The seller’s short description of what visitors can expect when they purchase the product.
$/sale    This represents the amount you will be paid for each sale you refer.
Future $    If the product has recurring billing, then you may be owed payments in the future as well if the person you refer continues to support the seller.
Total $/sale    The Total $/sale represents the maximum amount you can expect regardless of whether the standard or recurring billing method is used.
%/sale    The percentage used to derive the $/sale.
%refd    This number is VERY valuable. It represents how many visitors to date have purchased the product after visiting the pitch page. The higher the %refd, the better your chances are of getting a sale off the product as well - assuming the product matches with the site visitor’s expectations.
grav    grav stands for gravity and represents the ability for the product or service to attract others who might be interested in promoting the product. In general, the lower the gravity the less the competition.
One Final Note on Product Selection
Before you make your product selections, please remember that profiting is also a numbers game. If a product sales price is $10 and the pay out percentage is 50% you would make $5.00 for each product you sell. That is pretty nice, don't you agree?
However, what if you find a product that sells for $147 and the pay out percentage is 50%? You would make $73.50 for each product you sell.
So as you review the categories and the companies and products within each category, keep in mind the sales price of the product as well as the pay out percentage.
Record Your Findings
As you go through this step and perform your research, record the companies and products you desire to promote and sell on a separate piece of paper. In the next step of this guide we will go back to each of the companies you chose and create ways to promote them.

Step 4: Clickbank Hoplinks

As stated earlier, hoplinks are the links Clickbank uses to track affiliate (your) referrals. Each product that is provided in the Clickbank marketplace has a different hoplink associated with it. In addition to the link, Clickbank also includes your username to make sure you are credited with any sales that result from visitors that click make a purchase after clicking on one of your links.
The format of these links is:

where AFFILIATE is the affiliate id (username) you created when you set up your Clickbank account and VENDOR is the provider of the product you are going to promote.
The good news is ClickBank will create the links for you. Let’s refer back to our ‘Toddler’ example to see how.

Whenever you find a product or service to promote, you will see two links at the bottom of the product. The links are:
view pitch page - which allows you to see the page those who click your link will see.
create hoplink - which creates the unique link that will track your referrals.
To get started, we only need to select the link that says ‘create hoplink’. You will see the following page appear:

The link that is created (Ex. -, is your unique link for promoting this product (here called kidcare101). This is the link you will use whenever you want to send someone to the product’s pitch page.

Step 5: The PayDotCom Marketplace
PayDotCom is an online affiliate marketplace that pays you to choose and promote various products. You can earn anywhere from 5% to 80% on each item you promote, and with thousands of products to choose from it’s easy to select the right products for your website. Signing up for PayDotCom is FREE and their support team is there whenever you might need them. To sign up with PayDotCom:
1.    Go to the PayDotCom Website.

2.    Choose the ‘Sign Up’ link or click on the ‘Become an Affiliate’ image to be taken to the PayDotCom signup form.

Similar to the information required for your PayPal account, PayDotCom requires basic information such as your name and address. However, in addition PayDotCom requires that US Residents also enter in the Social Security or Tax ID number in order to have their account created. If this concerns you, make sure you first read their Privacy Policy before proceeding.
PayDotCom also requires your payment processing information which tells them how you want to be paid. The more payment processing options you check, the more affiliate products you will be able to promote. You should enter the PayPal Email address which was set up in Step 2, and check the ‘PayPal’ and ‘Check buttons under the Affiliates section.
3.    Enter in the required information.
4.    Read over PayDotCom’s Terms and Conditions, and agree to them if they are acceptable to you.
5.    Enter the code displayed in the box and click the ‘Start making money today with PayDotCom!’ button to create your account.

Next, you may be confronted with several “sales” screens offering you products and or services for a “limited time”. We ecommend you ignore these unless something that you can really use catches your eye. To bypass these offers, scroll down and click the “No thanks. I realize this valuable package is only offered to new members and will never be made available to me again.” radio button to be taken to the next screen. Eventually you will see your account homepage as shown below:

Step 6: PayDotCom Products
PayDotCom Product Selection

Similar to Clickbank, PayDotCom offers products and services that you can promote and earn profits from. Unlike Clickbank, however, you must first log in before selecting the products and services you are looking to promote. To select PayDotCom products, you must:
1.    Go to the Paydotcom website and log in.
2.    Select the ‘Promote Products’ tab at the top of the page.
3.    On the line that says ‘Create a New Campaign’, click on ‘From Marketplace’. 
You may now look for products by selecting categories, entering keywords or both through the search box that appears. When you click on a category, you will get a list of vendors that are in that category. Enter in a keyword (optional) to obtain a product list.

Step 7: Google Adwords
Google Adwords

According to Google, Adwords is “a quick and simple way to advertise on Google, regardless of your budget”. What this means for you is that you can pay to tell people who may be looking about the products you’ve chosen to promote. In return, the product pays you for the referral. Before we get too deep into this discussion, let’s first have you set up your FREE Adwords account.
1.    Go to Google and click on "Advertising Programs".

Since we will be advertising our affiliate products, we need to choose the ‘Google Adwords' section and click on ‘Sign up now’.
 The next step in the Google Adwords signup requires that you select between the:
Starter Accounts are ideal for people with products in a very limited focus area. The Starter account allows you to easily create word-only (text-based) ads and provides a simplified signup, ba-sic reporting, targeted of customers based on specific regions (like a country).
Standard Accounts are ideal for people with some knowledge of Adwords and/or online advertising. Standard accountholders are able to promote multiple, diverse products through a wide array of ad formats. The advanced reports can be customized to show the return on each ad investment, and there are additional features such as advanced targeting, cost controls, planning tools and placement targeting.

For our purposes, we will begin with a Starter account.
2.    Click the circle next to Starter Edition. Click ‘Continue’.
3.    Enter in the information required to create your Google Adwords account. This includes your email address (used to log in to Google Adwords), a password, and a text string to verify that you are human.

4.    Next, set the currency you will be using to pay for your Adwords campaign. Keep in mind that Adwords uses the US dollar at the base of its calculations, and that other fees may apply for non-US currencies. Review the available payment options at for local currencies before you decide. Click ‘Continue’.

5.    You will now need to verify your email address by checking the email account you used in Step 3.
1.    Set up your Google Adwords account.
If you have accomplished the item above, Congratulations, you are ready for Step 8! However, if you're just not quite there, read the text again.
Once your email address has been confirmed, you will have successfully created your Google Adwords account and we can proceed to making real money through data entry. Congratulations!

Just as you did with ClickBank, we recommend that you choose companies paying 50% commissions or more.

For each product, you can find out additional information by clicking on:
1.    See More Info to view a concise summary and any additional information related to the product.
2.    Promote to view all creatives (ads) that are available for the product.
3.    Visit Salespage to view what happens when a person clicks on your affiliate link.
4.    View Vendor's Profile to see all products offered by a particular vendor.
5.    Contact Vendor to send a message directly to the product’s vendor.
6.    APS, or the Affiliate Power Score, which is a rating of the product based on the number of sales, total refunds, and affiliate earning over the past 150 days. The scoring metrics are secret, but the scores range from 0 to 10000 and the higher the score the better.
Create Your PayDotCom Promotion Links
Once you have identified products and services you are interested in promoting, click on the ‘Promote’ link to view the ads, links, and creatives that are available for your use. Unlike Clickbank, where additional information is required in order for link creation, PayDotCom provides you with the final link you are to use. You simply need to copy the link provided and paste it in its future location.
Step 8: Data Entry
Data Entry

Now that you have selected products to promote and set up your Google Adwords campaign, it’s time to get into the real reason you’re here - to make money through easy typing. First, you need to select one of the products from Clickbank (or PayDotCom) to focus our data entry efforts on. Almost any product will do to begin, so don’t overly stress yourself out about it. For our purposes, we’ll use a rather simple product to promote from Clickbank called “Kingdom of Pets : SitStayFetch *Updated”.

1.    Create a hoplink (product link) with your affiliate tracking information by selecting the ‘create hoplink’ link.
We need to minimally read the product’s page so that we can create an ad that delivers what it promises. So, follow the hoplink and read what the website is offering before proceeding.According to the vendor website, the product we are promoting shows people how perform their own dog obedience training. It’s suited towards an audience that loves their pets, but find their pet’s behaviors undesirable - this is the target audience to keep in mind as we continue
2.    Copy your affiliate / hoplink into Notepad or keep the Clickbank hoplink window.
3.    Open and launch Google Adwords.
Here is where your "data entry" comes into play as you start to create ads for the ClickBank (or product you chose to promote.
First, we’ll start from the Campaign Summary page in Google Adwords.
1.    Click on the “keyword-targeted” beside the words ‘Create a new campaign’.

2.    Next, you need to enter in the basic information related to your ad. Here Google requests the following information:
Name your campaign: Each product you promote should have its own singular campaign. For our campaign, we will simply enter the product name along with a few reminders in the “Name your campaign” field. We entered the phrase ‘Sit Stay Fetch Dog Training’.

Name your ad group: The ad group is a way to categorize your campaign. It should say something specific about your target audience, the method/tactic being used, etc.. Each campaign can have multiple ad groups to help you stay organized. To start, we will enter our first ad group topic: Obedience Schools.
Target customers by language: This is a simple question of what language your core groups of customers speak.
Target customers by location: This feature allows you to expand (or condense) your ads to specific areas. For example, if we wanted to target on Kansas dog lovers, then we can change our Google settings to make sure only Kansas searchers looking for dog training would have the ads appear. The default value is the United States, and most will be okay leaving this field alone
3.    Click ‘Continue’ to start creating your ad.
Creating your first Ad
You may feel a bit intimidated by creating your first Google Adwords ad, and to ease your worries we want you to keep in mind that people who are a lot like you are reading the ads, not product experts or ad critics. The Google Adwords ads you will write resemble the following format:
Sample 1: Sample 2:

The first line is the Headline (title) and contains at most 25 characters.
The second line is referred to as description or line 1 and is at most 35 characters.
The third line allows you to create a new distinct set of phrases (as in ad Sample 1), or continue the content from the second line (as in ad Sample 2). This line is at most 35 characters.
The fourth line shows the display URL that is ultimately the product page we’re linking to without our affiliate information contained. The display URL is at most 35 characters.
While you’re getting your creative juices flowing on the words that will be contained in your first ad, we’ll show you the ad for our dog obedience-training product. People reading the ad may be busy, so we’re going to keep the ad simple. We also want to get straight to the point with what we’re offering. We entered:


The main thing to note is the difference between the Display URL and the Destination URL. Keep in mind that the Display URL is what we want clickers to see when they view the ad. The Destination URL is the actual link we are using (our affiliate line) to send clickers to the dog training website. You do not want to have your affiliate link displayed in the ad.
4.    Once your ad is complete, click ‘Continue’.
Choosing Keywords
Next, you are asked to choose keywords. Here you will be choosing the terms that tell Google when you want your website to appear. You will need to think like the people who are searching for your product (not the ones selling it). People interested in the product or service you are promoting will be searching and will use words like:
•    “hire a”
•    “buy a”
•    “find a”
These are great keyword phrases to bid on because people entering these keywords into a search are ready to take some kind of action. In addition, the more specific your keyword phrase, the more likely you will receive the right visitors clicking on your ads.

If you desire help with identifying keywords and/or keyword phrases, simply enter one of your keywords or phrases in the ‘Want more?’ search box and select "Search". Google has an extensive database designed to help you.
Setting a Budget
Your ad budget is based solely on your financial situation. Remember, you only pay when your ad is displayed and a user clicks on your ad. You will not pay just for having your ad displayed. However, it has also been shown that Google may remove your ad if it receives minimal clicks when displayed. It has also been proven that if your ad receives a lot of valid clicks, you may be rewarded with lower keyword costs. It’s essential that you choose a budget that is comfortable enough to get a high amount of good user clicks - clicks that result in referrals and purchases of the products you are promoting.
If your keyword phrase costs $0.05 each time a person clicks on your ad, and your daily budget is $10.00, then you can expect to have up to 200 people interested in your product clicking on your ad daily. You can also expect to have 6000 people each month clicking on the ad. The total cost for you is $300. If your product pays $10 per buying customer, it would mean that you only need 1 out of every 200 ad clickers (or 30 people total each month) result in product buyers to break even.
You will be entering in a value for the Maximum CPC. The Maximum CPC bid stands for the maximum Cost Per Click bid and represents the most you are willing to pay for a keyword that tells Google to display your ad. You can also use the ‘View Traffic Estimator’ option to see how much you can expect to pay each month based on Google’s past data and your Maximum CPC amount.

The traffic estimator will help you see exactly how far your budget dollars will go.

In the Traffic Estimator, you can see exactly what to expect from your budget. First, we look at the Estimated Clicks / Day which shows us how many people we can expect to click on the ad daily. For the term ‘dog obedience training’ there will be 6-9 clicks daily, and our ad will be listed in the #1 ad position (given by Estimated Ad Position). To get our ad in this position and to get these clicks, it will cost us $1.06 - $1.59 every time a person clicks, whether they buy the product or not. However, if they buy the product, we will make $31.12 from the sale.
From a business perspective, we only need 1 person to pay for almost 27 clicks from people we know are looking for dog obedience training. We will opt to start this campaign to see how it goes for a few days, tweaking it and looking for lower costing keywords in the meanwhile (like dog classes or pet classes or dog schools). Remember, you must think like a person who wants to buy the product and not like the person selling it.
Choose the right products, the right keywords, and the right budget and this system makes you profits well beyond what you may have ever thought was possible. If you are having problems figuring out which keywords to use, one resource we recommend is Wordtracker which can provide affordable keyword suggestions.
1.    Once you are comfortable with your ad, review it.

2.    Click ‘Save Ad Group’ to finish and launch your ad, or click ‘Create Another Ad Group to place another ad using different keywords or products.