Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Earn Extra Money - Online: Which one is best - Blogger Vs Hubpages Vs Triond Vs Assoicate Content Vs Helium ?

Earn Extra Money - Online: Which one is best - Blogger Vs Hubpages Vs Triond Vs Assoicate Content Vs Helium ?: "riond gives me power to write any type of articles, even without much knowledge. Frankly sometimes I have seen some junk articles of few authors like "I have no work today, how about you?" kind. All newbies and totally new to Article Writing field will find it as a great place to write. Because, it won't force you to have google AdSense or sometime of affiliate networks for earning. It is just simple. When your articles are viewed, it will earn. It may range from 1 cent to 10 cents for 10 views. You can also earn few cents from referrals too. Apart from this, triond enabled google AdSense option too (as I said, it is optional and not a must, if you want to start writing in Triond), which gives you some extra income.

Triond has a PageRank 5/10 as of today."


To earn in Hubpages, one should have google adsense and other affiliate networks like amazon, kontera, etc... So, to earn good, your hubs should attract great number of views, as you all know how google adsense calculate the impressions, cpc and all those fainting calculation methods.

Hubpages has a PageRank 6/10 as of today. Obviously it has good rank than Triond.


Helium is also a good website for article writing. But then, it is very tough to get views here and you should have very high quality articles to earn good. They often have some contests and pay good for the winners. Apart from that, you can write and sell your articles to those who requested. But the competition would be high. All authors need to write and submit their articles. The purchaser will select the one he/she required and the rest all will be rejected, which means they get published as an article, just like the other in your list, waiting to earn through views it get.

Helium has a PageRank 6/10 as of today.

Associated content

I didn't write in this website from the beginning itself, as its policy is not good for anyone outside USA. The payment policy is good only for those who are in United States of America and pays only a peanut to rest of the world.

Associated Content has a PageRank 6/10 as of today.


This every one knows and I don't have much to tell about. Now a days people own more than 4 or 5 blogs and one of my friend has nearly 30 blogs. I wonder how he manages all of them without any confusions.

Blogger has a PageRank of 7/10 as of today, the highest of all websites.

So, now you all might have got an idea about all the websites. Now, did you notice that I have mentioned about PageRank of each website? The website which have high PageRank will attract more views.

Obviously blogger has more value and I too decided to write in my own blog ONLY for some time and check out the difference. Not just the PageRank made me to go for this decision. There are few other reasons, like I can write whatever I wish, I can edit it whenever I want. More than an official look, I can give a casual, friendly chat look to my blog.

Also, I actually sent a private message via Facebook to Michael Dadona few days before for clarifications. Here I am giving the complete discussion between us, for you too to understand.

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